Friday, June 6, 2008

Where have I been....

Over the past week we all have been so busy working on our projects and trying to take every little thing in before we go our separate ways Sunday. I was on a blog role for a while but have came to the conclusion that there is so much to write about. I guess the one thing I can say is about this trip is the education lies outside the classroom. This is in no means a discount to the EBS school and its administration, but rather a complement to the city and country and how it can change perspectives on lives and create more opportunities professionally and socially. Every day you learn something else, usually something that can be attributed to business or behavior of people. You can't go one day without noticing something astonishing. Whether its French driving, weird advertising, people interaction, you name it.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I agree! I think living within Europe helped tons with our marketing/management perspective.