Friday, June 6, 2008

We could of used a monster energy drink..

Developing an export plan for Monster Energy drink became more of a task than what we envisioned. As a graduating senior at the Monfort College of Business, projects are something I lived and breathed at my time at UNC. It would not be uncommon to have 3-4 marketing projects a semester, all taking lots of time and effort. Like everyone else we pushed off the project to the weekend before, only really brainstorming ideas prior. It was quite an experience trying to enjoy our last week in Paris while trying to produce a quality product for class. Specific research needed started to become hard to get our hands on and with time running out, 3:30am the night before marked the end of the monster project. We kept saying to each other a "BFC" a huge Monster Energy drink would be nice while working late hours of the night. The project really couldn't have gone any better, it looked very professional and out plan was certainly realistic. I do sure hope that Monster taps into this market. Red Bull is good but for anyone that has had Monster, well there is no comparison...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi how are you,I am Michal from Czech Republic, Im also interested in Monster attack to european you to which countries they are going as a first?..